Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Our mystery Priest kind of guy, he serves in prison ministry!!

Mystery Priest at Missouri Car Accident Speaks
>>>Full credit to the blog site Catholic Fire

Yesterday, the 'Missouri miracle' mystery priest who ministered to Katie Lentz following a head-on car crash came forward and identified himself as Father Patrick Dowling of Jefferson County, MO.

Today, we learn more about this humble and compassionate priest from ABC News. In the video, he reveals that he met with Kathie Lentz Saturday in the ICU. He says,"Let's remember it was the Almighty who loved that little girl so much and took such good care of her."

According to the National Catholic Register, Fr. Dowling, a native of Ireland, was ordained a priest for the Jefferson City Diocese in 1982. He currently serves in prison ministry, and also ministers to the Spanish-speaking population of the Diocese of Jefferson City.

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