Thursday, August 15, 2013

Assumption of Mary: this makes sense!

Here is a brilliant post today about the Assumption from the well known blogger The Anchoress, a.k.a. Elizabeth Scalia.  It's all about science and theology and is well referenced and quotes some really solid Catholic Priests:


Assumption of Mary, Where Science and Theology are Met

I've never understood why people who have no problem with Elijah and Enoch being assumed into paradise have a problem with Mary -- the greatest, and most blessed of all created creatures -- being assumed into heaven. "It's not in scripture" doesn't cut it, (as Msgr. Charles Pope demonstrates here) because what did the early Christians reference before the bible as we know it finally came into being in the fifth century? Teachings and traditions, as Saint Paul writes to the Thessalonians, "...stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you … [Read More...]

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