Sunday, July 24, 2011

God don't like mean

Lately I've been very perplexed about the tone of Catholic conversation on the internet, the blogs and social networking like Facebook or Twitter.  Most perplexing is one Catholic attacking another because the other Catholic is too Catholic or not Catholic enough or factually wrong, dogmatically ignorant and on and on.  I know sometimes we all should back off and realize that these folks are the vast minority.  But these small bands of attackers are quite vocal.

I've been critical of a few things on my own blog and have a term for those who always attack the Church from within with a domesday outlook; chicken little Catholics.  My hope and prayer, of course, is that they will relax, see the forest for the trees and, here's the tough one; let God be God!

This following post from monsignor Charles Pope, Archdiocese of Washington D.C. says it all.  Read and enjoy, and remember: God don't like mean.

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