Saturday, October 30, 2010

Deo Gratias

One amazing thing about being Catholic on the Northshore of New Orleans is our very own St. Joseph Abbey and Seminary College. This holy ground is tucked away on an beautiful road in rural St. Tammany civil parish and has been the home for Benedictine monks for 100 years.

On this site the Abbey operates a seminary college as well as a retreat center, bakery, gift shop and woodworking center. The college serves as the undergraduate stop for those pursuing the priesthood. Recent trends in college enrollment have been encouraging.

The retreat center is one of the best in the area and remains booked most weekends of the year.

The monks have a tradition of beautifully chanted prayers for morning, evening and night prayer. There has been no greater spiritual reflection time for me than sitting in the Abbey Church for vespers.

Tonight the Abbey was the sight for their annual fundraiser gala. Named Deo Gratias, latin for Thanks be to God, the evening starts with prayer; evening vespers in the Abbey church, and then heads out doors for a beautiful autumn evening of food, fun and dancing. Proceeds from this event support the expenses for the seminarians not met by basic fees and tuition.

Tonight was a great event; the first time I have attended Deo Gratias. I enjoyed talking with the monks and the seminarians and the hospitality was 1st class. The place is truly holy ground and every opportunity I have ever had to be there has been spiritually enriching.

If you ever get a chance to visit or support the Abbey, please do so. Learn more at:

Deo Gratias; Thanks be to God!

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