Monday, April 5, 2010

The Octave of Easter; eight is enough!

Today is Easter Monday. This is the continuation of the great Feast of Easter. Easter Sunday, the Resurrection celebrated, is an octave. So profound a feast; so marvelous the message; this is a feast that can not be contained by a single day. The Octave of Easter means that the Church, in her liturgy and prayer, continues to celebrate Easter in a most unique way.

Easter is such a glorious feast that while the day lasts for an octave the season actually lasts 50 days; all the way to Pentecost Sunday.

This is a great week to not only rejoice in the Resurrection, to celebrate the glory of the Easter message, but it is a profound time to ponder and take stock. Having just recalled so many valuable spiritual lessons during Lent, and praying with the Church through the Triduum, and rejoicing with Easter joy, keep it going. Reflect more deeply, pray more personally, develop a faith life that is more spiritual than religious, ponder Jesus from the heart and soul and not just the head.

Happy 8 days of Easter! Hope your Easter Monday was great; here comes Easter Tuesday...

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