Saturday, December 26, 2009

...on the Feast of Stephen

This day after Christmas brings us the great Feast of St. Stephen, deacon and martyr. As a Permanent Deacon of the Catholic Church I count this as a patronal feast day. I must admit that before I entered into inquiry and subsequently formation, I paid little attention to December 26th as St. Stephen's big day. My only recollection of this would be the Christmas carol, Good King Wenceslas who looked out on the feast of Stephen.

St. Stephen is found in Holy Scripture in Acts of the Apostles, chapters 6 & 7. He is numbered among the 7 men chosen by the Apostles to serve. Right there the office of Deacon is established as one of charity and is distinct from that of the Priest. Stephen is mentioned first among the 7 and is described as one filled with faith and the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps the ability to proclaim the Word and preach for the Deacon today has it's roots in Stephen's discourse which is Acts, chapter 7. Stephen gives an eloquent speech on God's plan of salvation starting with Abraham and Moses and for his efforts, he suffered martyrdom by stoning. As he is being stoned he sees a vision of Heaven and declares aloud that he can see the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God. Stephen then asks Jesus to receive his spirit and his final prayer is one of forgiveness against his killers and accusers.

St. Stephen is the perfect model for not only those of us who serve the Church as Deacons but all people of faith. Today, on this second day of Christmas, we celebrate this great feast in honor of the first named Deacon who witnessed to the glory of God in word and deed and his very life.

St. Stephen, pray for us!

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