The ministry of the Permanent Deacon depends on many things to be effective. Our unique call to service and to demonstrate service sacramentalized requires cooperation. That cooperation always includes being open and responsive to God's call, to teach the totality of Jesus' mission and rely heavily on the Holy Spirit.
Some of the most amazing cooperation and wise counsel I have received has come from my wife Wendy. This, of course, does not surprise me having been the beneficiary of so much love & support in 32 years of marriage. Some recent events in my ministry speak to the valuable assistance she provides me. Wendy has become a stellar critic of all my homilies. Lately, she can listen to the direction I'm being guided and can come up with a great life image to start my homily with a great attention getter. It was Wendy this past week who suggested I tell the story of that wonderful video of the little girl who threw her dad's baseball after he had caught the prized souvenir. By the way, that suggestion worked out well in today's homily.
A couple of months ago Wendy witnessed one of my Baptisms and asked me why do we not have a program for the family and friends to follow along. A couple of weeks ago she surprised me as she produced a program for the two families whose children I was baptizing. It worked out so well and the family loved the program with one family member thanking me for the keepsake.
Today would be a prime example of that loving partnership we Deacons are blessed to have in our wives. After the last morning Mass I noticed a family waiting around for a Baptism. I knew I had no Baptisms today yet no on else was there at the Church. After I secured all the vessels and books from Mass I asked the family who they were waiting for, they replied: not sure. It was evident I would have to stay and baptize the little girl. But wait, I did not have my book and I could not find a book in the Church or the office. I called Wendy at home, some 10 miles away and she promptly drove the book to me at the Church. Although delayed , little Maria was baptized and her family so pleased with the event. Thanks to my wife Wendy, I was able to baptize a beautiful little girl and all left the Church happy.
Our wives know when our ministry is going well, encountering difficulties or being affected by outside pressures like career, job or illness. If they are all like Wendy then they all receive love, support, encouragement and their prayers too. Our wives are not called to be a "deacon couple" as others have called it. They simply love their Deacon husbands and fulfill the Lord's command to serve by all the many and varied wonderful things they do for us.
So next time you thank a Deacon for whatever reason, say a word of thanks to their wives. Without them our ministry would be less organized for sure. And thank them for their unconditional committment to the vocation of married life.
So Wendy, for all you do and especially helping me make today so special for little Maria and her family, thank you. You are my blessing from God and I love you.
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