Thursday, January 11, 2018

What do we say to our kids and others when President's speak evil; it happened today and has happened before

By this hour of the evening we all have probably heard the latest dust up in the Presidency of Donald Trump.  Embroiled in negotiations about the border wall and DACA, concerning the so-called dreamers the President decided to use the lovely term sh*thole in describing the nations of and people from Haiti, El Salvador and Africa.  The President was decrying the fact that we(I guess he means America) do not need more people from these places but should have more folks from Norway.  Man, our President is his own worst enemy.  Make no mistake, his language and his sentiments are not American and even more importantly for me, are not Christ-like.  The Catholic Church is unapologetically opposed to almost everything the President is trying to do about immigration and refugees.  Now he is not charged with running a church but running the nation, his motivation is probably not as evil as it sounds.  Still, calling names, slandering a people and their nations are not very Presidential, let alone very Christian.

And social media erupted in typical fashion, if you dislike Trump, he is evil personified, if you like Trump, well, what the heck did he do wrong anyway.  One social media post inspired me to venture into this hullabaloo and it came from a Deacon  He commented, what can parents tell their children when evil passes the lips of our President?  So I thought about that and I reflected to and remembered the times I had to do just that.

Again, let the record be clear, President Trump let pure evil pass his lips today.  It is evil to slander people and call names like sh*thole.  It is also evil to imply that people are less than other people based on nationality and/or skin color.  But I remember talking to my children when evil passed the lips of a President.  It was hard to tell my children that yes the President did just really say that abortion is ok, that babies are not really babies in the womb if mommy wants to abort them.  I remember having to try and explain the evil of late-term abortion or partial birth abortion as endorsed through the lips of Presidents.  I remember an incident explaining the President's evil proclamation that we should all get behind and support Planned Parenthood because they do good things.  Those particular Presidents would then demonstrate even more evil when they would go mute when confronted with the abortion realities of Planned Parenthood. I would later have to explain that the evil from our Presidents endorsing men laying with and marrying men and women doing same with women is wrong.  When Presidents used their lips to spew evil in many attempts to redefine families and marriage, yes, what does a parent say when a President speaks evil.  Why daddy is the President attacking the Little Sisters of the Poor, or the Catholic Church or Christianity?  Is that not evil.

I think I've made my point, evil did pass the lips of a President today and he is wrong for what he said and how he said it.  But evil, which directly opposes God's will for His people, has passed the lips of Presidents before, often and often!  We can't pick and choose.  I'm gutsy enough to call todays debacle of words evil and wrong; but I stand up too and I hope you did too, when these other evils passed the lips of a President.

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