Saturday, November 25, 2017

Pope Francis sends condolences for terrorist attack in Egypt

Pope’s Consolation for North Sinai Terrorist Attack
Grieved by Great Loss of Life by Terrorist Attacks on Rawda Mosque

Pope Francis praying, CTV
Pope Francis praying, CTV
Pope Francis expressed his “profound” grief November 24, 2017, at the “great loss of life” caused by the terrorist attackes on the Rawda mosque in North Sinai on November 24.  News agencies report more than 235 dead and many wounded.
The Holy Father’s sentiments were expressed in a telegram sent by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
The Telegram
His Holiness Pope Francis was profoundly grieved to learn of the great loss of life caused by the terrorist attacks on the Rawda mosque in North Sinai. In expressing his solidarity with the Egyptian people at this hour of national mourning, he commends the victims to the mercy of the Most High God and invokes divine blessings of consolation and peace upon their families. In renewing his firm condemnation of this wanton act of brutality directed at innocent civilians gathered in prayer, His Holiness joins all people of good will in imploring that hearts hardened by hatred will learn to renounce the way of violence that leads to such great suffering and embrace the way of peace.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin Secretary of State

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