Saturday, November 25, 2017

A recovery update; and keep on praying

First of all, it is a beautiful cold autumn Saturday morning and that makes me happy.  At my house, no crazy black Friday foolishness and no premature Christmas decorating!  Nope, not at my house.

Today I realize that my recovery is moving along and I will soon be back to normal.  I will attempt a high degree of normal this weekend as I plan on presiding at a Baptism this afternoon.  Wendy will be there with me in case I need a helping hand.  Tomorrow I will assist the 10 am Mass and then see how I feel before I commit to the evening Mass.  Based on how my body reacted to the funeral Mass yesterday for my brother deacon, I think one mass might be the normal.

I won't be having the staples removed to Tuesday morning so Monday might be another day off.  I will decide Sunday afternoon/evening.

I am anxious to do a few things that still seem a few weeks off; ride the tractor, visit the prison and generally walk longer distances for the exercise I am committing to in yet another attempt to get healthy.

So everyday brings progress and everyday I feel your prayers; thank you for that.

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