Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Big time blogger blues

This Wednesday morning dawns with blogger problems for the abitadeacon!

Each new day begins overnight and traditionally results in about 100 to 150 reads by 6 AM.  Every now and then there may be a few less reads than  100 but never just 46.  That's what I woke up to today.

As you visit today please take the time to read a few articles from my blog log or a ny of my many blog categories. 

I also have a chronological listing of blog posts so sometimes it's fun to see what was a hot topic from this time 1, 2, even 5 years ago!

Thanks for reading abitadeacon!

1 comment:

  1. Mike

    Some unsolicited advice from a brother Deacon and fellow blogger - stop worry about how many people are reading your blog. Stop checking. It does not matter and it is not important. Write for yourself and if anyone gets anything out of it, praise be to God.
