Thursday, March 24, 2016

New Orleans Archbishop Gregory Aymond washes the feet of teenagers at the Rivarde Juvenile Detention Facility

Archbishop Gregory Aymond says he's been inspired by Pope Francis for the last three years, and today, Holy Thursday, he borrowed a page from the Holy Father by washing the feet of nine teenagers at Jefferson Parish's Rivarde Juvenile Detention Facility in Harvey. This was the first time an archbishop had ever visited Rivarde, which is a transitional facility for adolescents arrested for a suspected crime but not yet adjudicated. In a brief prayer service, Archbishop Aymond t...old the juveniles that no one can undo the past, but he stressed that God has infinite mercy. "Sometimes, we say, 'Well I did this and I did that, I committed this sin and that sin.' There is nothing – nothing – in the world that Jesus will not forgive. Nothing. And so, he comes to wash your feet – and every one of us – in light of our weaknesses." The archbishop reminded the youths that it was critical for them to understand that they "have a future and a life ahead" of them. "We place the past in the merciful hands of God, and he always forgives because there is nothing he won't forgive."
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