Thursday, March 24, 2016

Holy Thursday comes to an end Good Friday is here

Holy Thursday is just about over.  As I am writing this, both my home parish of St. Jane in Abita and my adopted home of Most Holy Trinity are still offering Adoration until midnight. 

I was so inspired today by the public witness of Pope Francis who washed the feet of refugees in a small facility just outside Rome.  Then our own Archbishop here in New Orleans went to a Juvenile Detention Facility and washed the feet of young offenders.  As Jesus told us, we must wash one another's feet.

Holy Thursday is that awesome day to remember the gifts of the Priesthood, the Eucharist, the Mass and the service of washing one another's feet. 

The Eucharistic Procession from the Church to the Altar of Repose is profound, taking us from the events of Holy Thursday to those of Good Friday.

Tomorrow is indeed Good Friday.  There is no mass this day and the Church has no need of it's Sanctuary candle; he is not here.  At 3 PM there is a special service where we recall the Passion of Jesus, venerate the Cross and receive Holy Communion from consecrated hosts from Holy Thursday.

Across the world we may recall the Stations of the Cross, walking with Jesus to his Crucifixion.

Good Friday is a day for pray, fasting, quiet reflection and not big parties, crawfish boils and the like.  We can give Jesus this one day to remember his sacrifice and beg him for forgiveness!

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