Monday, November 17, 2014

Remembering the Churches dedicated to Saints Peter & Paul

Nov 18, About Today for Tuesday of the 33rd week of Ordinary Time

November 18

Dedication of the Churches of Peter and Paul, Apostles

Optional Memorial
Optional memorial, 1965 Calendar, celebration November 18.
1955 Calendar, Dedication of the Churches of Peter and Paul, Apostles.
In USA, this is the feast day of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin.
Today the Catholic Church celebrates Saints Peter and Paul basilicas. St. Peter’s basilica, the Vatican Church is the second patriarchal church at Rome. The body of St Peter was buried on the Vatican hill immediately after his martyrdom in the place where his basilica stands today. St Paul’s remains were deposited on the Ostian Way, where his church now stands.
Pilgrims with extraordinary devotion visited their tombs from the beginning. In 210 Caius, priest of Rome, speaking with Proclus said:
“I can show you the trophies of the apostles. For, whether you go to the Vatican hill, or to the Ostian road, you will meet with the monuments of them who by their preaching and miracles founded this church.”
Constantine the Great, after he founded the mother church of all Catholics, he built the church of St. Peter on the Vatican hill, honoring the place were the prince of the apostles suffered martyrdom and of St. Paul, at his tomb on the Ostian road.
One liturgical celebration takes place only in St. Peter’s and in no other church in the whole world: the Washing of the Altar on Maundy Thursday. At the close of the Matins on this day, the so-called papal altar under the great bronze baldachino is sprinkled with oil and wine. In an extended procession the archpriest, his vicar, the canons, the beneficiaries, the chaplains, and the entire clergy approach in order, and symbolically wash the altar with a sprinkler. A solemn benediction with the great relics from the gallery of St. Helena terminates this very impressive ceremony.
The churches are dedicated only to God, although often have a patron saint so that all faithful may implore the intercession of that saint.
St Augustine says ” We do not build churches or appoint priesthoods, sacred rites and sacrifices to the martyrs, because, not the martyrs, but the God of the martyrs, is our God. Who among the faithful ever heard a priest, standing at the altar set up over the body of a martyr to the honour and worship of God, say in praying: We offer up sacrifices to thee, Peter, or Paul, or Cyprian? When at their memories (or titular altars) it is offered to God, who made them both men and martyrs, and has associated them to his angels in heavenly honour. We do not build churches to martyrs as to gods, but as memorials to men departed this life, whose souls live with God. Nor do we make altars to sacrifice on them to the martyrs, but to their God and our God.”
Fragment source The Catholic Encyclopedia

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