Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pope Francis talks of God's mercy & the joy of God's forgiveness today from Rome

  Pope: mercy is "the true force that can save man and the world from the 'cancer' of sin
The Evil One is smart. He dupes us into thinking that human justice can save us and save the world. In fact, only God's justice can save us! And God's justice revealed itself on the Cross."

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "If, in our hearts, there is no mercy, no joy of forgiveness, we are not in communion with God, even if we observe all his precepts because it is love that saves, not only the practice of his precepts," said Pope Francis in his reflection, in which he focused on the "parables of mercy" taken from today's liturgy, before 70,000 people who had gathered in St Peter's Square for the Angelus, braving the heavy rain, as the pope himself noted.
Mercy, in the pope's words, is "the true force that can save man and the world from the 'cancer' of sin, of moral and spiritual evil." Hence, it marks the journey of Christians through life, because "if we live according to the law of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', we cannot come out of the spiral of evil. The Evil One is smart. He dupes us into thinking that human justice can save us and save the world. In fact, only God's justice can save us! And God's justice revealed itself on the Cross."
The three parables that spurred Francis's reflection come from Chapter 15 of the Gospel of Luke. They concern "the lost sheep, the lost coin, and then the longest of all the parables, which is typical of Luke, the father and his two sons, the ' prodigal ' son and the self-righteous son who thinks he is holy."
"All three parables speak of God's joy. God is joyful! That is something interesting. What is God's joy? Forgiveness. God's joy is forgiveness! It is the joy of the shepherd who finds his sheep; the joy of the woman who finds her coin; it is the joy of the father who welcomes home a son who was lost, who was as good as dead, but is alive again, back home. This is the whole Gospel. This is the whole of Christianity!"
"Yet, there is nothing sentimental about it, nor a sense of 'doing good'! On the contrary, mercy is the true force that can save man and the world from the 'cancer' of sin, of moral and spiritual evil. Only love fills the emptiness, the negative chasms that evil opens in hearts and history. Only love can do this and this is God's joy."
"Jesus is all mercy, all love. He is God made ​​man. Everyone here is the lost sheep, the lost coin, and each of us is the son who has wasted his freedom following false idols, the illusions of happiness, and lost everything. He is a patient father. He respects our freedom, but remains loyal. And when we return to Him, he welcomes us as children, into his house, because he never stops, not even for a moment, to wait for us, with love. And his heart celebrates every child who comes back. He celebrates because it is joy. He celebrates when one of us sinners comes back."
"What is the danger? To think that we are just; that we can judge others; that we can judge God because we think he should punish sinners; condemn them to death, instead of forgiving them. That is when we risk remaining outside of our Father's house! Like the older brother in the parable, who instead of being happy because his brother was back, got angry with his father who welcomes him and celebrates. If, in our hearts there is no mercy, no joy of forgiveness, we are not in communion with God, even if we observe all of his precepts because it is love that saves, not only the practice of the precepts. Love for God and one's neighbour fulfils all the commandments. This is his joy: forgiveness."
Human justice cannot save us and save the world. "Only God's justice can save us! And God's justice revealed itself on the Cross. The Cross is God's judgment on all of us and on this world. But how does God judge us? By giving his life for us. Behold the supreme act of justice that defeated once and for all the Prince of this world. This supreme act of justice is also one of mercy. Jesus called us all to follow this path. "Be merciful," he said, "just as [. . .] your Father is merciful"(Lk, 6:36).
"Now I ask you one thing. Let each one of you think about a person with whom you do not get along, with whom you are angry. In silence, think about this person, pray for this person and let yourself become merciful towards this person."

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