Pope crippled by arthrosis leg pains which makes walking difficult

By Simon Caldwell

The Pope is suffering from a degenerative condition in the joints of his legs which makes it painful for him to walk, according to Vatican insiders.
The onset of arthrosis means 84-year-old Benedict XVI can move only short distances before it becomes agonising to carry on.
His condition, which is related to his age, last month prompted him to request the use of a wheeled platform devised for predecessor Pope John Paul II.
Pope Benedict XVI waves to pilgrims gathered in the courtyard of his summer residence of Castel Gandolfo
Pope Benedict XVI waves to pilgrims gathered in the courtyard of his summer residence of Castel Gandolfo
The Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams (left) with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I and Pope Benedict XVI in front of the St. Francis Basilica in Assisi, central Italy, on October 27
The Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams (left) with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I and Pope Benedict XVI in front of the St. Francis Basilica in Assisi, central Italy, on October 27

Pilgrims were surprised to see the current pontiff clinging to the bar of the platform while ushers rolled it slowly down the main aisle, making it impossible for him to stop and greet well-wishers as he usually does.
At the time, the Vatican played down concerns about the Pope’s health, saying the platform was 'solely to lighten the burden' of processions.


But Andrea Tornielli, an Italian journalist with outstanding Vatican contacts, has revealed that the Pope is suffering from a disease of his joints.


Arthrosis is a chronic degenerative disease of a bone joint which causes sufferers pain when they move.
It is usually age-related and mainly afflicts the joints of the ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and the back.
Arthrosis – which comes from the Greek word 'arthros', meaning 'joint' – is caused by the degeneration of cartilage covering the ends of the bones in the joint.
Cracks appear in the cartilage until holes and even ulcers begin to form at the ends of the bones, as the deterioration progresses at a faster rate than the body can produce replacement cells.
The deterioration in the cartilage also increases friction between moving body parts and a loss in capability to absorb shock.
Ultimately this leads to the loss of free movement in the joint.
He said that the Bavarian-born Pontiff has been diagnosed as having arthrosis, a degenerative disease caused by erosion of cartilage in joints over time, increasing friction and losing the capability to absorb shock.
Arthrosis typically affects the legs, shoulders and the back. Movement becomes restricted and painful.
Pope Benedict has often been seen dragging his right leg as he walks and also publicly used a white cane during the World Youth Day celebrations in Madrid in August.
According to Tornielli, the Pope uses the walking stick even when moving around the papal apartments.
The fact that it was the Pope – and not his doctors – who requested the mobile platform sparked renewed fears about the health of a man who has suffered two mild strokes and is also known to have a weak heart.
It also prompted speculation that the Bavarian-born Pope, who was elected in April 2005, might eventually resign rather than die in office.
But Father Ian Ker, an Oxford priest and author, said it was unlikely that the Pope would quit simply because of problems with his joints.