Friday, November 11, 2011


I watch with some disgust how this day is being hijacked by the oddity of the date.  Couples rushing to court houses and oak trees to get married, more for the sake of the date than a sacramental union blessed by God, and others delaying or arranging the birth of their children on this date.  What?  One lady even said 11-11-11 is spiritual.  Well it is, because it is another day God has made and it is a pretty significant memorial feast in the Catholic Church, but I don't think that is what she is talking about.

11-11-11 is indeed Veterans Day 2011 here in the United States.  This is a special day to remember all the men and women who have served this country, in both peace time and war; to reflect on what it takes for so many to give of themselves to protect a nation and her people.  We must remember today those who gave their last full measure and the families who too often are forgotten.  And we remember and thank those serving our nation today, especially those so far removed from home and loved ones and those who this very day are in harms way.

11-11-11 in our Catholic faith tradition is the memorial feast of St. Martin of Tours.  A great saint, he indeed was a soldier.  We can ask his prayers today as well as those of ours for all our service men and women!

So if you get to enjoy a day off today like yours truly or you are going about your normal routine, remember our veterans today.  Send up a prayer.  And give thanks to God for our country and for those who willing step forward to keep her safe and free!

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