Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mama said there would be days like this...

Today was one of those days. It begin with remarkably sad news; unexpected news. A young man who I have come to befriend these past few years when I helped him with adult confirmation preparation was on the phone. I was expecting something totally different. You see I just was with him Monday night and the entire conversation was about the babies. His lovely wife was pregnant with twins, I guess about 5- 6 months along. We discussed how big she was already and the excitement of twins and the day we would baptize the babies. We also started to talk about fishing and how he knew how to kill off some excessive brush I have growing on my fence-line. And as I answered the phone I knew immediately this was not a good call; his wife went into labor unexpectedly and the babies did not make it. I was heart broken for him, and his wife and found myself trying to say the right thing. They have been in my prayers all day. As a Deacon it was hard as I dealt with the conflict of feeling I needed to be at the hospital, right there right now but the reality was I could not leave work; not today. I've spoken to the family several times today and know I am called to be present to them just as I am present to all who I have the honor to minister to. And as is often the case those I minister to minister to me in ways I cannot fully describe.

The day just would not get much better. Difficult experiences at work left me feeling less than adequate in my response to direct challenges. Some times we are way to quick to respond to those who make character assasination part of their business dealings. It's not always easy to remember that all are children of God, even those who are far from charitable.

Along the way today God sends me angels; everyday He does this but today I was just more aware of them. At the right moment at a difficult part of the day was an old friend, a widow of a man who started off as my client and became a brother in Christian witness to the power of Christ first and foremost in my life. Then there were the many generous and unbelievably kind and caring co-workers who knew I needed space and help in getting through the balance of the day. And finally, in God's mysterious way, I ventured to the prison tonight where I was greeted by a larger than normal gathering and many first time attendees. And our time together in prayer, praise and fellowship was more than enough to help me refocus on what's really important and to put all things into proper perspective.

I faced many challenges today; some with great grace; others not so much. So where do I go from here. I'm charged with keeping Christ in front of me at all times, in all places and all situations. I think I failed in doing this today. Frustration is a human thing that we all can manage. I need to manage this better. But I am grateful that He helped me through the day today, gave me words to share with my heart broken friend and time to reflect on the day in prayer tonight among people I never realized would mean so much to me; the men of a state prison.

Mama said there would be days like this...but Scripture reminds me often that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!

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