Saturday, January 27, 2024

Pope Francis stresses the importance of the Sacrament of Confirmation


Pope Francis meets with some young people due to be confirmedPope Francis meets with some young people due to be confirmed  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis invites young people to embrace the gift of Confirmation

Pope Francis meets with young people preparing to be confirmed and emphasises the importance of the Sacrament as well as the profound connection between it and the commitments made during Baptism.

By Francesca Merlo

Pope Francis on Saturday addressed a group of children preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. In his welcoming remarks, the Pope greeted the parents, family members, catechists, and Bishop Giuseppe Satriano.

Pope Francis opened his address by asking the children whether they knew the date of their baptism. With this question, he encouraged both the children and the adults to reflect on this important milestone, suggesting that the day be celebrated annually, akin to a second birthday. "Have a cake made with candles, too! An extra cake... not bad!", said the Pope

The Pope went on to underline the profound nature of Baptism, saying that, "on that day, we were born to Christian life, to life in Jesus, which lasts forever, it is eternal!" He emphasised that on that day "we entered the great family of the Church, and the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us and never leaves us again; and finally we received the greatest inheritance there is: Paradise!"

The Holy Father went on to speak of the Sacrament of Confirmation, explaining that it serves to solidify and strengthen the commitments made during Baptism. He outlined the roles played by the Holy Spirit and the Church, saying that through Confirmation we "accept this mission as a personal commitment, as protagonists and not spectators".

The Pope illustrated his point by citing the example of Carlo Acutis, a young boy from Milan who died at the age of fifteen, but left a lasting impact through his passionate dedication to Jesus. Carlo used the internet to spread the message of the Gospel, emphasising prayer, witness, and charity. "So, boys and girls", said the Pope, "as the day of your Confirmation approaches, I propose you do the same. Go to Jesus, meet Him, and then tell everyone that it is good to be with Him, because He loves us and is always waiting for us!"

Finally, Pope Francis encouraged the young individuals approaching their Confirmation day to go to Jesus, experience His love, and share the message that "Jesus loves us and is always waiting for us", and he reminded them to always "be witnesses to how beautiful it is to be with Jesus and how much He loves us"

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