Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Official Statement from Archbishop Aymond concerning Vatican's Declaration from the Dicastery of the Faith

 A Statement from Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond

Archdiocese of New Orleans

December 18, 2023

The Declaration issued today by the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) is a reminder to all of us that requesting a blessing as an individual or with another, we are all "in need of God's saving presence" in our lives and that we may always seek "God's assistance...to live better."  The Church's teaching on marriage has not changed.  The document specifically states that in asking for a blessing it is the couple that is blessed, not their union.  This declaration affirms this teaching while allowing for an effort to accompany people in irregular relationships by recognizing the need each of us has for God's healing love and mercy in our lives.

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