Monday, March 13, 2023

For his 10th anniversary as Pope, Francis asks for peace


Pope FrancisPope Francis  (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)

Pope Francis: ‘For my anniversary I would like peace‘

The "Popecast is a podcast produced by the Vatican media on the tenth anniversary of Pope Francis’ pontificate. In it, he tells of how he never imagined he would be “the Pope at the time of the Third World War", he speaks of the most beautiful memory as being that the meeting with the elderly people in St Peter's Square and says: “What I didn't want to see were the boys who died in wars".

By Salvatore Cernuzio

“The first word that comes to me is that it seems like yesterday...”

Santa Marta, late afternoon. It is not an interview, there are already so many about this event. Thoughts that follow the thread of an intense ecclesial period, his pontificate. Ten years: lived in "tension", he says, in a time that is greater than space and that has seen a succession of meetings, journeys, faces.

Pope Francis waits standing at the door, holding on to his cane. As always... He smiles at the microphone with the Vatican media logo and asks: 'A podcast? What is it?" "Nice, let's do it," is the reaction after the explanation. Then the question: what does he feel he is sharing with the world on the occasion of this milestone for his life and ministry?

“Time flies… it's in a hurry. When you want to grasp today, it is already yesterday. To live like this is something new. These ten years have been like this: living in tension.”

Of the thousands of audiences, the hundreds of visits to dioceses and parishes, the forty apostolic journeys to every corner of the globe, the Pope has a clear memory.

He identifies "the most beautiful moment" as the meeting in St Peter's Square with the elderly, the audience with grandparents from all over the world on 28 September 2014.

“Old people are wisdom and they help me so much. I too am old, am I not?”

However, there have also been several bad moments and they are all related to the horror of war. First the visits to the war cemeteries in Redipuglia and Anzio, the commemoration of the landing of the allies in Normandy, the vigil to stop the war in Syria, and now, the barbarity that has been going on for over a year in Ukraine.

“Behind the wars, there is the arms industry, this is diabolical,” Pope Francis says.

He says that he, a bishop that “came from the end of the earth” did not expect to become the Pope who would lead the Universal Church in the time of World War III: “ wasn’t expecting it. I thought Syria was going to be unique, then came the others”.

“It makes me suffer to see young men dying – be they Russian or Ukrainian, I don't care - not coming back. It is hard.”

Jorge Mario Bergoglio has no doubts about what to ask of the world as a gift for this important anniversary: “Peace, we need peace”.

Hence, three words for the Pope's “three dreams” for the Church, for the world and for those who govern the world, for humanity

“Fraternity weeping, smiling...”

Listen to the Popecast in Italian here.

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