Monday, December 19, 2022

Two new Bishops for Washington DC


Cardinal Gregory’s statement on the appointment of our new Auxiliary Bishops

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Cardinal Wilton Gregory, the archbishop of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, has issued the following statement:

“Today our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has blessed the Archdiocese of Washington with the appointment of Bishop-Elect Juan Esposito-Garcia and Bishop-Elect Evelio Menjivar-Ayala as our new Auxiliary Bishops. They have been selected from a zealous and generous local presbyterate, and now they are appointed as bishops to serve all of Christ’s flock in this local Church. They represent the goodness of all of our people, and both will dedicate themselves tirelessly to the promotion of the Gospel and the mission of Christ in serving with me and all of our clergy and faithful.”

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