Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A statement from Archbishop Aymond after the verdict in the George Floyd trial

 A Statement from Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond

April 21, 2021
Racism is a sin that needs to be cleansed from our hearts. George Floyd’s death, the events across the country that followed, and the subsequent trial have exposed deep wounds in our country caused by racism and the urgent need for racial healing and reconciliation. As Catholic Christians we must always stand with the vulnerable and, in a particular way, support those who have been historically oppressed.
Events such as these serve as a reminder of our call as Catholics to seek justice and work constantly for a greater respect for all human life from conception to natural death regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, background, or faith.
In our own archdiocese, we are deeply aware of the need for racial equity and justice. I have encountered many Black Catholics who have told me of their painful experiences of being followed in stores, pulled over in their cars for no reason, and treated in ways that have been hurtful and demeaning because of the color of their skin. Most of these stories go untold but leave deep wounds and hurt.
Our shared humanity and our belief in the values of Jesus compel us to address these issues, which call us to a greater respect for the sacredness of all human life. As disciples of Christ, we must work peacefully to, “build a community founded on the values of Jesus, which gives respect to the life and dignity of all people,” as we pray each week in “Our Family Prayer”.
Let us recommit ourselves to prayerfully, courageously, and lovingly face these issues that divide us so that we may be instruments of God to bring peace, justice, and healing to those who have been hurt and to our society.
Let us recall what God said through the prophet Micah (6:8), “You have been told what is good and what the Lord requires of you: do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God

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