This was mentioned on social media yesterday:  a novena from St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Washington, DC, on Second Street near Capitol Hill. It’s a short litany to pray between now and Inauguration Day. Since it comes from the patron saint of this year, near the tragic site of bloodshed and violence last week, I thought it worth your time and attention.

Let us pray:

At St. Joseph’s this week, we have composed an American Novena; it is brief and its emphasis is on the intercession of our eleven canonized saints.  It will be on our website on Monday and I am having cards printed up which I will send to the Chaplains of the House and Senate for distribution.  If you are willing please pray this prayer between now and January 20th.

Father of Providence,

Grant us the courage to extend mercy and respect to those with whom we disagree.

Grant us a heart to love this country according to Your Will, seeing in every human person a son or daughter of the One who is “our Father.”

We ask this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton  —  Pray for us.
St. John Neumann  —  Pray for us.
St. Marianne Cope  —  Pray for us.
St. Katherine Drexel  —  Pray for us.
St. Damien of Molokai  —  Pray for us.
St. Junipero Serra  —  Pray for us.
St. Kateri Tekakwitha  —  Pray for us.
St. Mother Theodore Guérin  — Pray for us.
St. Isaac Jogues and Companions —  Pray for us.
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini  —  Pray for us.
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne  —  Pray for us.

May God bless our parish, may God bless our city, and may God bless the United States of America.


Note: will the focus is on the 11 canonized American Saints I thought about a few "Blesseds" like KC founder Michael J McGivney, our own Francis Xavier Seelos, also Blessed Stanley Rother, Blessed Solanus Casey and for more New Orleans flavor, Mother Henriette DeLisle.