Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Pope moves 8 closer to Sainthood

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Pope Moves 8 Closer to Sainthood

Includes Decree on Martyrdom of 127 Spaniards,

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Pope Francis authorized the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate 8 decrees, including a decree on the martyrdom of 127 Spaniards, Vatican News reported on November 24, 2020. Bishop Marcello Semeraro, the Prefect of the Congregation, presented the causes to the Pope, who approved them.

Included is a decree on a miracle attributed to the intercession of Italian Venerable Servant of God Mario Ciceri, a diocesan priest of Milan Archdiocese.  He was born on September 8, 1900, in Veduggio (Italy) and died on April 4, 1945, in Brentana di Sulbiate (Italy).  This clears him for beatification with the title Blessed.

The decree on martyrdom concerns the Servants of God Father Juan Elia Medina, a diocesan priest, and his 126 companions, priests, religious and laypersons of the Diocese of Cordoba, Spain.  They were killed in “hatred of the Faith” during the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939.   These martyrs have now been cleared for beatification with the title Blessed.

The decree on heroic virtues of the following servants of God confers on them the title Venerable:

– Italian Servant of God Fortunato Maria Farina, bishop of Troia and Foggia.  He was born on March 8, 1881, in Baronissi (Italy) and died on February 20, 1954, in Foggia (Italy).

– Spanish Servant of God Andres Manjón y Manjón, a priest of Granada Archdiocese and founder of Ave Maria Schools.  He was born on November 30, 1846, in Sargentes de Lora (Spain) and died on July 10, 1923, in Granada.

– Servant of God Alfonso Ugolini, a priest of the Italian Diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla.  Born on August 22, 1908, in Thionville (France), he died in Sassuolo (Italy) on 25 October 1999.

–  Italian Servant of God Maria Francesca Ticchi (born Clemenza Adelaide Cesira), professed nun of the Capuchin Poor Clares.  Born on April 23, 1887 in Belforte all’Isauro (Italy) she died on June 20, 1922 in Mercatello sul Metauro (Italy).

–  Italian Servant of God Maria Carola Cecchin (born Fiorina), a professed religious of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph Benedetto Cottolengo.  She was born April 3, 1877 in Cittadella (Italy) and died on a steamer on November 1, 1925, while returning from Kenya to Italy.

– Italian Servant of God Maria Francesca Giannetto (born Carmela), a professed religious of the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate.   Born on April 30, 1902, in Camaro Superiore (Italy).  She died there on February 16, 1930.

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