Sunday, September 27, 2020

Actions speak louder than words; our parish puts faith into action

In today's Gospel Jesus teaches again by way of the parable of the two sons.  Their father asks both to go and work in the family business, the vineyard.  Both sons disappoint, one initially, the other ultimately.  Thankfully the son who told his father, "I will not", changed his mind and indeed went to work.  The other son told his father, no problem pops, then never goes to do the work.

Jesus is teaching us that words alone do not prove discipleship, do not prove faith.  Faith needs action, faith needs our cooperation.  The old saying might apply here: "actions speak louder than words".  

This Gospel compels each of us to ask which son are we?  Perhaps more importantly, are we sons who seek to do the will of the Father?  

I am so thankful that our parish family is indeed a people of faith and action, not just words.  Even in these recent days of challenge, confusion and even some hurts, we have not just sat back just speaking words, we have lived our faith in action.  We seek the Father's will for us, both personally and as a parish family, and we do.

In the past week, our parish has begun our adult faith formation Bible study.  Two groups, one in the morning and one in the evening are meeting know to explore the Eucharist in Scripture as taught by Dr. Scott Hahn.  My partner in this endeavor, Bob Buras and I are pleased to facilitate these sessions.  Our PSR is well underway under the direction of Christina Uhlich and employs a family in-home catechesis.  Our St. Joseph Guild has been accepting donations by selling the delicious cookies we all love.  The Sodality is gearing up for Thanksgiving assistance and the Knights of Columbus are always busy in both the community and the parish.  I bet there is plenty more I could list but I just can't remember.  Please feel free to fill us in.  Bottom line: we are a people of faith and we live our faith as Jesus asked us to.

Don't forget: this Tuesday night, September 29th, at 6:30 there will be a special mass followed by a wine and cheese social for the Feast of St. Michael at our mission church in Bush(named for St. Michael).  The feast day is actually that of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.  

Other big feast days this week include St. Jerome, who reminded us that "ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ" (September 30), St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower(October 1) and the Holy Guardian Angels(October 2).  Also, remember on October 2nd we will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after morning Mass until Friday night with Benediction at 7 pm.

Yes indeed, our Parish Family is a people and a place of great faith and action we strive to Live Jesus everyday.

Peace be with you all!

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