Monday, September 7, 2020

A Catholic Labor Day must read: Rerum Novarum

A Labor Day tradition: celebrate Rerum Novarum

The Gold Standard on the Church and Labor: Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo the Great

One of the first things I remember being asked to study in diaconate formation is the great social justice encyclical Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII, Leo the Great!

It is the true gold standard on the Catholic Church's teachings on labor, the rights of workers and the dignity of work as well as the first of the great papal encyclicals over 100 years promoting the body of work known as social justice.

It is a good Labor Day read for those of you fortunate enough to take some time today and read through this treasure.  As my diaconate instructor would tell us, see if you can find the many rich pearls imbedded in this encyclical!

Happy Labor Day!

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