Sunday, September 13, 2020

2020 keeps up these throat punches but I've got something stronger than that; and I'll need it in the days ahead

As I write this on a Sunday night I'm sitting in my home of almost 25 years and awaiting a tropical storm or a hurricane.  Yes, I've wrote about this before but you might recall Hurricane Laura skirted us and landed far to the west devastating communities across southwest Louisiana.  I live in southeast Louisiana on the north side of Lake Pontchartrain, about 50 miles due north of New Orleans.  This storm is now named Sally and is taking a track that uncharacteristically has me in the path; the cross hairs if you will.  The timing looks like mid morning to early afternoon Tuesday.  In the meantime the weather has been delightful, albeit hot, today and forecasted so for Monday, ahead of the storm.

Even with a storm brewing today was to be a great day, and it was, as we celebrated the twin birthdays of my daughter Elizabeth and her husband Mark.  We gathered in Slidell for a family celebration and all was wonderful, fun and nice.  Of course we had one eye on an approaching storm but the celebrations went off without a hitch.  Now we look to the storm.  My son-in-law is a firefighter so when he goes to work in the morning he will probably be put on a 48 hour call working in horrible weather conditions.  Our current plan right now is for my daughter to come to my house with the babies and we ride it out as best we can. If something else needs to happen we do have backup plans.  As for me, I will be stuck at work because that is what we do.

Today was also the long awaited start to the NFL season; either loathed by those who hate the NFL or a big return to normalcy in this ongoing Covid19 pandemic.  The big story here of course is Saints vs Tampa Bay and the big Drew Brees vs. Tom Brady match up.  I saw enough of the game to know the Saints are a good team, capable of beating the Bucs and Brady despite not putting forth a best effort.  In fact at times the Saints offense looked pathetic.  But like I said, they were more than good enough to persevere.

Believe it or not, that' it for NFL/Saints football.  You know I have many friends and others who are kind of boycotting the Saints so there is that.

So we turn to God as we await the Hurricane, we remember to praise Him because it is very important to praise Him even in the storms, the difficulties.  I will certainly update you after this event, power/electricity hopefully still with us.  We pray for God's mercies as our number 1 priority is keeping everybody safe and minimizing loss of property.

Will be in touch soon.

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