Sunday, August 16, 2020

The ups and downs, the balance and reality of life, the profound impacts from so many places

It was for me a great weekend.  It was for me a time of great happiness and joy.  And it was for me a dose of reality; things break, things need attention.  It was for me a time of some frustration, missing the 4th weekend in a row at Mass, doing what deacons do.  It was a time of some sadness too, more folks you know with Covid19 and then this afternoon the word of the death of a beautiful soul who inspired and encouraged so many and now will be for us a Saint in Heaven.

It has been over a month since I've seen my local grands; until this weekend.  Brennan, almost 30 months(2 and a half years old) spent Friday evening and all day Saturday.  Brennan is full on energy, a smile that melts hearts, a little independent and some one who loves unconditionally.  Brennan loves to play with all the old toys still at our house from the days of her momma and momma's older brother.  Some of these toys are from the late 70's.  At bedtime it's a three part process: read books, sing songs and say our prayers.  She makes and says the sign of the cross and loves to pray for mommy & daddy, baby Walker, both sets of grandparents, her cousin Levi and Levi's mom & dad.  It's so sweet.  I love her robust Amen.  On Saturday Brennan loves to play in "pops bedroom" jumping on the bed, hiding under the covers, playing and/or tormenting sweet Delilah.  Brennan got to witness our power outage which interrupted her nap because her sound machine quits working.  She also got to see panic Pops when the power came up one of my drainage pumps obviously failed and we had water all over the bathroom floor.  I learned Brennan does not like yelling, even if your yelling for more towels.  Disaster cleaned up and behind us, we drove Brennan home where I would hold my 3 month old grandson Walker.  Poor Walker was the youngest area resident diagnosed with the Coronavirus but thanks be to God had no ill effects.  When I held him I realized it was only the second time I had done so; the first being at his baptism.  He is adorable and am so glad Wendy captured a great picture posted over at my FB page.  I put Brennan to bed again and after reading 3-4 books it was time to sing.  I get routines but I tried some new songs, You are My Sunshine, Yes, Jesus Loves Me, stuff she id not know.  Her mom showed up to bail me out with Brennan's favorite classics.

This is good stuff, stuff that has not been as consistent as I would like, a lot of this we can blame Covid19.  But everyday we try and try to live life, to power on and I truly enjoyed these events.  Today, Wendy and I enjoyed the hour long video chat with our NC grands, Calvin and Katelyn.  We have not seen them in person since last December and our August visit was cancelled because of our illness.  But via Skype we caught up, watched them ride bikes outside with mom helping out and marveled at how big they are getting.  Calvin will soon be 8 and Katelyn recently turned 5.  Both are full of energy, maybe Katelyn a bit more.  Both are wonderful grandkids as they stay close to us via the gift of Skype.  So yes, the weekend, for me brought much joy.

But Mike is a worrier and the latest incident with the plumbing and a 30 year old septic tank took a little toll.  Wendy and I just decided enough is enough and we will get some professional help out here hopefully tomorrow.  We can fix it up and stem the tide but the incidents are too frequent.  This was event #3 just this year alone.  So I guess we have our own 2020 mess to deal with it.  Wendy tries very sincerely to help me through drama's like this.  It's not the end of the world, no matter how inconvenient or troublesome these things can be.  In the big picture, with Wendy and I surviving Coronavirus and having such a nice time with our families, I can see where I need to relax.  In perspective this weekend I learned of the death of a beautiful soul here on the Northshore who is a local inspiration, a young mother of 5 with a wonderful husband who give their all to the church and demonstrate in many ways their love of Jesus.  Last week her husband Jason acknowledged all the prayers and love being sent her way and he summed it up nicely, whether God has a miracle in store for his wife here on earth or He calls her home to Him in Heaven; either way it is all miracle.  Rest in the sweet peace of Jesus dear Elise.  You were and are so loved by so many.  I also learned some details of two Priests I follow via social media and their battle with Coronavirus.  One is still very sick so please pray for Father Larry's recovery and the continuing recovery of Msgr. Charles.  There are a few more clergy here locally that I am following and a couple of folks from our local Knights of Columbus.  All are in my prayers.

I miss doing all things Deacon on the weekend and during the week.  My ministry at Rayburn Prison is now over 5 months suspended and it looks like it will be a long time before we return to the men.  I do hold all of them in my prayers in as special a way as I possibly can.  I did just announce that my Bible Study will return in about 30 days and it's focus will be on the Eucharist in Scripture through the teachings of Dr. Scott Hahn.  I can't wait.  Perhaps this will help return all things back to a feeling of "normal".  I also plan to return to the altar next weekend.  Even if I may get tired, I feel it's time and I certainly will confirm this with my doctor.  There has been a lot of changes at my parish over the last 2 months and not being there to at least assist has been difficult.  God keeps helping me with that patience thing.  I do know this, when it's time to preach again I sure have plenty to say.

All these things I've written about today remind me that life comes with great joys and happiness, occasional uncertainties, profound impacts and influences from so many sources and can mean illness and yes, even death; all a part of the lives we live here as dress rehearsal for life to be lived with God in Heaven.

The words I used to begin this essay reminded me of the beautiful words of Gaudium et spes, the Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World.  I leave these words for all of us to read and contemplate and pray with:

The joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ. Indeed, nothing genuinely human fails to raise an echo in their hearts. For theirs is a community composed of men. United in Christ, they are led by the Holy Spirit in their journey to the Kingdom of their Father and they have welcomed the news of salvation which is meant for every man. That is why this community realizes that it is truly linked with mankind and its history by the deepest of bonds.

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