Sunday, August 23, 2020

Just in time for two hurricanes, two prayers for hurricane season


Lord Jesus Christ, our God in the flesh! As You saved Your apostles from perishing in a storm by calming wind and wave on Your command, so now keep us safe and sound during hurricane season. Grant us favorable and benign weather. Protect us from the unpredictable elements of nature. Spare us from storm, flood, fire, illness, injury, disaster and sudden death. Preserve us from all  evil and harm, for we, though sinful, are nonetheless the work of Your hands — and You, together with Your Father who has no  beginning and Your holy, good and life-giving Spirit, are our God,  in whom we live, move and have our being, now and ever, and for  ages and ages. Amen.

All-holy Lady Mary, ever-virgin Birthgiver of God! Seeing how your holy and powerful maternal intercessions are a safe haven for the storm-tossed, count us worthy of your prayers during this season of uncertain and threatening weather. Beg your divine-human Son to grant us mercy, forgiveness, health, safety and salvation over the coming months, for He is sure to listen to you, His mother, the woman whom all generations call blessed. Amen. 

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