Sunday, December 9, 2018

The New Orleans Saints; comeback win, another South championship but time to ask some tough questions

So let's be clear; when it's all over the Saints won a game, the Saints clinched a division title and the Saints have 11 wins in 13 games played.  All of this is outstanding.  I most definitely like the way the Saints woke up and took control and I credit this to the great punt block by Taysom Hill.  Up to then, there was absolutely no life, no spark in that Saints offense.  But the offense did close the deal, some inspired running by Mark Ingram, a cob-webbed clearing 2nd half Drew Brees and another solid effort by Michael Thomas.  By the way, as has been the case, even last week in Dallas, another stellar effort by the defense.

But let's address some concerning issues and ask tough questions because no longer is winning games enough for many of us, it's the playoffs, it's championships, it's home field and it's Super Bowl.  Sorry; this is the Coach Payton/Drew Brees reality!

Let's admit the following, the win today was helped along by that incredible blocked punt but there was also two incredibly makeable field goals that Tampa Bay missed.  Indeed, those kept the Saints in the game.  This is especially so after the early second half fumble by Drew Brees, who up to that point, looked very, very average.  Thank God, Drew Brees is not average and he too responded along with the rest of the offense.

So we have all the great things to celebrate, yes, but can we take a minute to mention the issues.  Below I will attempt to address what has transpired against Dallas and first half Tampa Bay with this very unprofessional analysis:

1.  It's about the position of wide receiver:  Many of us may remember that the Saints receivers are great, and that is true mainly because of Michael Thomas.  But we also had great results from Ted Ginn Jr. and Cameron Meredith.  Guess what?  Both of these guys are on injured reserve.  Both of these fellas can get separation, especially Ginn.  Now Ginn may be back by week 15, Meredith not so much.  Meanwhile #10, Smith, has had flashes of brilliance no consistencies of brilliance.  The rest of the guys we now have left are ok, not good, certainly not separation experts.  What's the deal then with this Brandon Marshall.  If he can't make it on the field, why are we wasting a roster spot?   So in my view, once we beat Atlanta, Dallas focused on Thomas and rendered the rest of the receivers ineffective.  So until Ginn gets back, #10 needs to step up or we need to flank Kamara more often.

2.  The TE position; what the heck happened to Benjamin Watson?  Other than one decent play today, where has this guy been for a few weeks now.  He was such an integral part of the offense during the 10 game streak, not so much lately.  I know we need Hill in there a lot for blocking but normally he has hands of stone.  And finally, what was the deal with Arnold, the #3 TE inactive today?

3.  Holes, we are missing holes.  All throughout the winning streak the RB's had great holes to run through often.  Not until the later part of the second half today did we see some holes, although Ingram made many of his yards on pure effort.  The offensive line, hailed and regaled all season long, needs to man back up to previous performance.  Yes, we are missing Armstead, I hear he may be back net week; let's pray so!

That's it.  Overall, I have no beef with the defense, no beef with special teams, no beef with coaching schemes, no beef really with Drew Brees, although I was close today.

In my opinion, the Saints figure out 1-3 above and the sky is the limit for them.  Some traps to watch out for.  They have already clinched the South championship but are still in competition for home field.  We need the Rams to lose, especially tonight; Geaux Chicago Bears!!!  The Panthers, who we play twice in the next three weeks, have now lost 5 in a row, including today to the Browns.  They are due to win something but I sure hope it's not next week.  Next week is assuredly still a critical week, maybe not for the last game.  And don't forget, we also have to play the Steelers but I like our chances at home.

So honest questions/observations from a fan, not a pro and very happy with an 11-2 record on the Sunday of week 13.  I so desperately want another Super Bowl, they need to figure out the early offensive problems.  Still a win is a win; a champion is a champion; two years in a row, New Orleans Saints, NFC South Division Champions!!!

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