Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Zenit story notes a need for clarifications in a very, very brief statement

© Vatican Media

JUST OUT: The Holy See Is About to Formulate ‘Eventual,’ ‘Necessary Clarifications’

Full English Translation of Council of Cardinals’ Evening Statement, Noting ‘Full Solidarity’ With Pope Francis

The 26th meeting, Sept. 9-12, of the Council of Cardinals, also known as the ‘C9,’ presided over by Pope Francis is in progress. The Cardinal members are entrusted with working toward the reform of the Roman Curia. This evening the Council issued the following statement in Italian. Zenit brings you a full working translation in English:
Statement by the Council of Cardinals, 10.09.2018
The Council of Cardinals, in its 26th Session’s first meeting, arranging to deliver to the Holy Father the proposal for reforming the Roman Curia elaborated in the first five years of activity looking ahead to its continuation, decided to ask the Pope for a reflection on the work, structure and composition of the Council itself, also taking into account the advanced age of some of its members.
It expressed its satisfaction for the success of the IX World Meeting of Families in Dublin, also congratulating His Eminence Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell and the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, which, together with Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, organized the event.
It formulated full solidarity with Pope Francis in the face of what has happened in the last weeks, aware that amid the current debate, the Holy See is about to formulate eventual and necessary clarifications.
Vatican City, 10 September 2018

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