St. Benedicta Cambiagio Frassinello
Feastday: March 21
Birth: 1791
Death: 1858
Beatified By: 10 May 1987 by Pope John Paul II
Canonized By: 19 May 2002 by Pope John Paul II at Rome, Italy
Birth: 1791
Death: 1858
Beatified By: 10 May 1987 by Pope John Paul II
Canonized By: 19 May 2002 by Pope John Paul II at Rome, Italy
Benedetta was forced to return home because of failing health only a year later, but obtained a miraculous cure through the intercession of Saint Jerome Emiliani. Now she felt called to undertake a new work of devoting herself to the education of young girls. She obtained her bishop's approval, and the bishop also requested that Giovanni leave the seminary in order to assist Benedetta with the work, because of the scope of the task. The two took a vow of perfect chastity into the hands of their bishop, and set out on their joint task.
Eventually, Bendetta was able to found the Congregation of the Benedictine Sisters of Providence. The guiding charism of her order is their focus on the education of young girls and confidence in and abandonment to God in the living out of their vows.
After correctly predicting the time of her death, Benedicta died peacefully in Ronco Scrivia at her motherhouse, on March 21 1858.
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