Saturday, March 10, 2018

Yes, I hate daylight savings time

Here it is, you all have waited an entire year for it so I am happy to oblige.  I hate daylight savings time, it's wrong and you know it.  But you support it, for no other reason than maybe you want to go somewhere or get something done at 8:30 pm, because you couldn't do it all day long.

Reasons to really hate daylight savings time:

I want my hour of sleep back, now, not in November
We add daylight to the evening time but we steal it from the morning
DST means millions of school children have to wait for a bus or navigate to school in the dark
DST forces the vast amount of Americans to eat later, go to sleep later and that leads to:
Increased illnesses especially now well documented evidence that DST increases risks for heart attack, stroke, joint pain, depression, suicide, and a malady of other illnesses
DST plays hell with the eco-system including animal life and plant life
DST actually increases the costs of cooling your home and/or office
Bosses are more likely to ask you to work later
Did I mention I want my hour of sleep back
People arrive for church that first Sunday morning at the incorrect time
Documented increase in automobile accidents and major work place accidents
And I could go on.............

You mean normal time allowed to do it's thing is not good enough for you?  What the heck is wrong with daylight around 6 in the morning and still having plenty of light until 7:30/7:45 pm.  No, you want kids vulnerable in the mornings so you can play in the light at 8:45 at night.  Thankfully, the tide is turning.  While polls still indicate that a majority of Americans want DST, the number is down significantly from previous years.  Almost a dozen states are seriously considering laws to eliminate DST, with Florida and Wisconsin being the most populated.

Time for this foolishness to go.  I hate daylight savings time and I want my hour of sleep back.

By the way, I'll be fine once the deed is done, this whole thing is just stupid.

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