Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Pope invites all to confession this Lent

Pope Invites Faithful to Experience God’s Mercy in ’24 Hours for the Lord’ Initiative
Holy Father Will Open the Penitential Liturgy

Pope in Paul VI Hall: Copyright Photo.Va - Archives L'Osservatore Romano)
Pope in Paul VI Hall: Copyright Photo.Va - Archives L'Osservatore Romano)
Next Friday, in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis will celebrate the penitential liturgy for the traditional ’24 Hours for the Lord’ initiative.
At the conclusion of his General Audience in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, the Pope recalled this event, promoted by the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, encouraging faithful to participate.
“I hope that our churches can remain open long to welcome those who wish to prepare for Easter, celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation, and, in this way,  experience God’s mercy.”

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