Sunday, March 4, 2018

Now, at 61, looking forward

Birthday #61 arrived today and it was a very nice day.  From assisting at 2 masses as Permanent Deacon, after assisting last night at the Vigil Mass, I had an opportunity to visit with my grandchildren via Skype, Calvin & Katelyn singing Happy Birthday to Pops, then a visit, in person, with daughter Elizabeth and her husband Mark.  I brought them Communion today as my baby girl may be just hours, no more than a day or so, from delivering her little girl.  After that visit, Wendy & I went to lunch. now home relaxing until the phone call comes!

I had so many wonderful birthday wishes today, kind of overwhelming.  It is always nice to hear from so many family & friends!

Looking forward there are so many things I would love to see happen.  Top of that list obviously is awaiting grandbaby #3.  Since she will be here soon, I can wait.  Also, as 2018 continues and I begin yet another year, I would love to see more of my old friends who, up to now, I have only reconnected via Facebook.  I am also looking forward to a couple of big deacon events. In June we will ordain yet another class of deacons and in July, as New Orleans will be well into their 300th birthday celebration, all the deacons of the USA will gather in special convention right here in the City that Care Forgot.

I also have a wish list, more like my prayer intentions.  I pray for Wendy's health to improve soon, also praying for some smooth transitions at work, and prayers for continued blessings during Lent and a wonderful celebration of Easter that will be here before we know it.

So Happy Birthday #61 has come and soon will go.  I also pray that God, in his abundant goodness, will have mercy on me and draw me ever closer to Him, through His Son, Jesus!  Amen!

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