Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday Morning Papal Homily

Santa Marta: Teach the People to Adore
Holy Father Reminds Pastors to Encourage Adoration

© Vatican News
Pope Francis on February 5, 2018, stressed the importance of silent adoration of God.  His comments came in his homily at Mass at Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican.
With several newly installed pastors in the congregation, the Pope urged the teaching of the importance of adoration, calling on them to “teach the people to adore in silence”, Vatican News reported. “We know how to teach them how to pray, sing, and praise God, but to adore?”
The Holy Father referred to the first reading of the day (1 KGS 8:1-7, 9-13), in which the elders of Israel bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, a difficult and uphill journey.  But there are memories that sustain the effort.
“We can only arrive there with the memory of having been chosen, of bearing within our heart the promise which pushes us to keep going with the covenant in our hand and in our heart,” Francis recalled, noting that “words disappear, we do not know what to say.” But he reminded the congregation that in that situation, the people can adore in silence.

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