Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Ash Wednesday in Prison

It was indeed an awesome, spiritual night.  107 men attended services tonight, receiving ashes, as they heard the words "remember you are dust and to dust you shall return".  Utilizing the readings of the day I preached practically (remember these are inmates with little to no choices) about prayer, fasting and giving alms, or as I put it, giving charity.

Approximately 75 men received Holy Communion.

Another inmate approached us about pursuing becoming Catholic.  That makes 7 men since October.  These men are made aware of the mighty move of God by the Catholic community and they want to belong.  They want to be part of the Church Christ started; the fullness of truth.

I left the men spiritually and emotionally high as a kite.  What an incredible night of God's grace and the threefold reality of hearing God's Word, distribution of ashes and reception of Holy Communion.

Thanks be to God for such a beautiful evening inside a state prison facility.

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