Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Update on popular Franciscan and EWTN Priest; prayers needed

  • Since October 2012 Father Andrew Apostoli was a regular welcome guest into our homes on Sunday evenings as he hosted the ever-popular EWTN show, Sunday Night Prime. He always shared such uplifting insights about the faith with us. And he always held us in his prayers.
    Right now it’s time we hold him in our prayers.
    On Nov. 10, he wrote and had posted on the website of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, this message:
    My dear friends in Christ,
    It saddens me to announce that due to a recent decline in my health, I am no longer able to keep a public schedule at this time. Unfortunately, talks and retreats that are currently scheduled must now be canceled. Please email: franciscanfriarsnyc@gmail.com with any questions. I continue to be grateful for all the prayers and support and certainly extend my prayers and blessings to you all.
    May Christ and His Holy Mother Bless you!
    Fr. Andrew

    Today, Dec. 5, on the same website, the friars have posted this update on Father Andrew’s health:
    The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and the Apostoli family continue to be grateful for the outpouring of support and prayers for Fr. Andrew over the past month as he has entered into the final stages of a battle with cancer, which has caused a very serious decline in his health. In this final stage of Fr. Andrew’s life he continues to receive great care from healthcare professionals and friars who are always at his side. During these final days the Apostoli family and the CFR community ask for continued prayers and also privacy for Fr. Andrew as it has become evident that he can no longer receive public visitors or phone calls at this time.
    For accurate and timely updates on Fr. Andrew’s health, please continue to check www.franciscanfriars.com/health-update-fr-andrew-apostoli  and the CFR social media pages. As we begin this time of Advent, we have grateful hearts for these final days we have been given with Fr. Andrew as he awaits the arrival of the Lord.  Come Lord Jesus!

    Please say a prayer for Father Andrew for his comfort at this time, and for Our Lord and Blessed Mother to look with overflowing favor upon him who has served them so faithfully during his 50 years as a priest and decades as an EWTN regular host affecting countless souls.

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