Sunday, November 12, 2017

Some extra time with the grandkids, family & friends

Wendy and I have been to see the grandkids before, lots of times!  Since the birth of Calvin in 2012 and then Katelyn in 2015 I would say we've been up here maybe 18 to 20 times.  This week, we are back again with a little different dynamic.  Our good friends Aimee and Keith are with us, actually they did all the driving, and they are spending time with my son hunting.  It is the peak of hunting season and these three love to hunt.  In fact Aimee and Keith came up here a few years back and Jimmy showed them the ropes.  So they will be hunting today thru Tuesday, and again Thursday, while Wendy and I spend quality time with the kids, and Sara, who like us, does not hunt.  Wendy and I were reminiscing about all the things we started doing years ago with Calvin and the generous amount of time his parents would let us keep him from day care/school.  Well, we realized that this will come to an end soon as Calvin begins Kindergarten next August.  Can't just pull a grandchild out of school you know.  Yet Katelyn is still eligible for all the trips to the science center and museums and such so that is something to look forward to.  Also, next year, we will have another grandbaby near us when Elizabeth delivers her little girl.

Can I tell you the conditions up here make me think, albeit for a moment, about moving north.  Here in northern North Carolina they celebrate all four seasons and this fall like weather is just delightful.  While it cam be and has been colder this time of year, overnight lows 28-30 and daytime highs 58-60.  Perfect for us and a nice treat for the hunters.  The leaves around my son's neighborhood are both changed in color and rapidly falling to earth.  Today the kids were playing in the inviting piles of tree leaves.

Wendy and I are truly looking forward to the next 4 days spent with Calvin and Katelyn and we are so glad that Aimee and Keith are having a blast, and yes, they have already scored some impressive deer treasure.  We are also very excited that this year, my NC family has managed to get some time off and will be among us for about 4-5 days before Christmas this year and all the family will have an opportunity to visit with them.  Thankful for these special family blessings!

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