Saturday, October 7, 2017

My Saturday evening Hurricane Nate update

Well, it appears the abitadeacon and my community of Abita Springs, as well as the entire Northshore and New Orleans has dodged a bullet.  Hurricane Nate has begun pulling away from us, and a little weakening too, and mostly what we got here is a rainy day.  Yep, that's it.  I bet we have not even had gusts over 25mph.  Now I do not want to declare this thing totally over just yet, but all signs are looking very good, very good!  I even drove to town and assisted at our vigil Mass this evening.

Many areas in the surrounding communities do still have to deal with high tide and east to west surge, but almost all homes and business, not all, will be spared.  The wrath of Hurricane Nate now shifts to places like eastern Mississippi, Mobile and maybe even the Florida panhandle.

Thanks for any prayers offered!

Perhaps an update in the morning!

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