Friday, March 17, 2017

In the Archdiocese of New Orleans it's all about confession

Encounter God's love and mercy- a guide to confession

Communications • Fri, Mar 17 2017

Pope francis hearing confession cropped 1000

All #NOLACatholic Churches are open Wednesday from 5 pm to 6:30 pm for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If it has been awhile since you have been or even if the sacrament is routine, take some time to review "How to Go to Confession" with this handy guide.
Prepare - Before going to confession, you should prayerfully compare your life to the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and the example of Christ. Using an Examination of Conscience can be helpful.
Go to Confession - After the priest welcomes you, both of you make the Sign of the Cross. Then you may want to talk about yourself, your situation and the difficulties you face living a Christian life. Tell the priest the last time you went to confession.
The Word of God (optional) - You or the priest may read one of the suggested scriptural passages.
Confession of Sins and Act of Penance - Confess your sins. The priest the offers suitable advice and gives you an act of penance, which may include prayer, self-denial or works of mercy.
Prayer of the Penitent - Pray a prayer, such as the Act of Contrition, expressing sorrow for your sins and a desire not to sin again.
Absolution - The priest extends his hads over your head and pronounces a formula of absolution, making the Sign of the Cross over your head during the final words. You respond, "Amen".
Dismissal - The priest sends you forth to go in peace. Continue to express your conversion thruogh a life renewed according to the Gospel and the love of God.

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