Well we have been here before but never quite this close to Christmas. On this December 21st Wendy and I will tell Calvin & Katelyn good bye once again as we return home. Like most years since Calvin's birth in 2012, we seem to manage 4 visits a year. This year saw a visit from my NC family in April for Elizabeth's wedding. But most years we venture north in the spring, for the July and September birthdays and a visit as close to Christmas as possible.
Wendy and I left after work Friday evening last and arrived at our destination Saturday. We have spent all available time with the grandchildren since then and enjoyed some special events like the Santa Clause luncheon at our son's office and our family Christmas gift exchange. This four and a half day visit has also coincided with some very Christmas-like weather, lows in the twenties, highs in the forties. We are both thankful no ice storms this year as that has been an issue in the past.
Our family is just getting to be so much fun to visit as Calvin is now 4+ years old and Katelyn is rapidly approaching 18 months. She is so much more mobile, talkative and energetic than our previous visits. Calvin continues to impress with his conversations and how smart he is. They really are a true joy and it is always special to visit instead of just seeing/talking thru Skype. Of course, thank goodness for Skype.
So after some late afternoon play time, dinner and final goodbyes, Wendy and I return to our room, pack the car, hit the sack so we can be on the road very early in the morning. Our goal on return day is to make it to the house by 6 or 7 pm by the latest. On this trip we got word that Wendy's mom was very sick and needed special attention and hopefully no hospitalization. That does make it all the more important that we arrive home tomorrow evening. That situation notwithstanding we also have Christmas things we are supposed to wrap up by Saturday evening and of course my ministry responsibilities for the great feast of the Church which is Christmas.
In any event, as my little ones nap, I look forward to these last 4 hours or so with them and will begin the long journey home in the morning. Prayers for our family and for travel mercies are always appreciated!
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