Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Bible Marathon; sponsored by Catholics, what???Yep, we read and pray with the Scriptures too!

Bible to be read cover-to-cover nonstop in St. Martinville’s town square on Thursday

Photo: KLFY
Photo: KLFY
MARTINVILLE, La. (KLFY)—There’s a marathon taking place in St. Martinville this week, but rather than a 26-mile run, this project is an 86-hour marathon reading of the entire Bible.
KLFY spoke with the project’s organizer, Father Michael Champagne, about what it takes to put together this massive effort, and what he hopes the people of Acadiana will gain from it.
“A lot of times we don’t know what to do about a situation, we don’t know what God is asking us to do about our lives,” said Father Champagne, “we feel there’s a silence, God’s preeminent way of speaking to us in this word, the scriptures.”
That’s why Father Champagne is gathering 259 lectors from throughout Acadiana to join a Jubilee of the Word marathon, reading the entire Bible, beginning to end, around the clock from 6 a.m. Nov. 17 until 8 p.m. Sunday Evening.
Bible readers will represent not only Catholics, but all faiths, and will include readings of the word in English, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
The marathon will take place in St. Martinville’s town square, in front of St. Martin De Tours Church, which last year celebrated its 250th anniversary.
“It’s fitting,” Said Father Champagne, “because, for 251 years, the word of God has been proclaimed on that soil, there, since the Gospel was brought there with the Acadians so many years ago.”
Father Champagne said anyone will be able to stop by to hear the word of god, to help find clarity in their daily lives.
“Just allow yourself, kind of like that jambalaya rice, to be cooked in the sauce of God.” Father Champagne said, “and then we have peace, to face the difficulties, then we have some clarity about what God is asking us to do, and how he wanted us to respond to the children, how he wants us to respond to this relationship, we get clarity, so come and get that clarity by listening to God’s word.”
The end of the Jubilee of the Word Marathon Sunday evening will coincide with the close of the Catholic Church’s extraordinary Jubilee year of Mercy as well as the end of the National Bible Week.

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