Sunday, October 2, 2016

October, I'm counting on you!

The worst part of my own self-invented "two halves of the year" year is over and the best part is upon us.  October thru March is so much nicer for me in these parts than is April thru September.  And this year October did not disappoint as the 1st was ushered in by the coolest morning in over 6+ months and it was so pleasant that I could cut grass most of the day, in the middle of the day and it was just fine.

October means a chance, and yes it's just a chance, to escape 110 degree heat index, to experience some good feel air and to start to move closer to normal time, you know dark and night, bright in the morning!  And of course we move ever closer to all the autumn fairs and festivals and then the holiday season.  Football has been underway, and I acknowledge up front, 2016 does not look like a good year for us in south east Louisiana.  The Saints are now a total bust and have retreated to among the NFL worst and LSU has already changed coaches.  Oh well, a bad day in football season is better than any day outside of football season. 

Ministry is pretty awesome in the fall, we have great feast days, robust youth and CCD activity, pro-life activities and so much more.  As school gets rolling so does adult and children faith formation, bible studies and various other seminars and presentations.  In this fall, as we wind up another liturgical year in November, we also will be ending up this great gift of the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

So I for one will be enjoying these next few months and living fully my vocation as Permanent Deacon, as I do even in the other "half" of the year!

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