Saturday, June 11, 2016

These nuns are offering to pray for our Priests; just fill out the form

Intercession for Priests
To devote ourselves to Jesus in the Eucharist, to the Church, to the interests of the glory of God, to the extension of the Kingdom of Our Lord, these are our duties.  As adoring souls, we must lead all souls to Jesus, but principally the P1130843souls of priests.  All those who have the care of souls should be the object of our supplication. To reach sinners, holy priests are needed; to direct chosen souls, holy priests are needed; and for us too, for the fervor of our little Community, holy priests are needed. Finally, who will give us Jesus in the Sacrament of Love if not the priest?”– Mother Marie de Ste. Claire, PCPA Foundress
As Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration, it is the long standing tradition of our Order that intercession for priests holds pride of place in our prayer.  As a means of entering more intentionally into this fundamental aspect of our life, we invite all priests (or those who would like to request prayers for priests) to fill out the form below, in order that we might pray for you by name.

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