Sunday, March 27, 2016

One by one, they are done; what a week, what an incredible few days

One by one they are done.  For every Permanent Deacon and Priest, for every liturgy chairman and those who serve at altar, these past few days, these amazing liturgies are accomplished; they are done.  And a curious sense of satisfaction takes place when they are behind us.  For only once a year, at the Triduum and Easter, we experience uniqueness in the liturgy.  We prepare and hopefully execute these unique features of the worship necessary for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and The Mass of Easter Sunday.  There is the washing of the feet, the transferring of the Eucharist to the place of repose, the stripping of the altar, the prostration of Good Friday, the Passion, the veneration of the Cross, the silence of the day.  On Saturday night there is new fire, the Easter candle, the readings of salvation history, catechumens and candidates, Baptisms and Confirmations and Easter alleluia's.  On Sunday there is joy and glory, the sprinkling rite, the celebration.  And right now, I can count them all as done, with the exception of one evening Mass, the last chance to celebrate Easter Sunday!

It has been a very long two weeks for this Permanent Deacon.  As Lent wore down and we moved into these celebratory days, I look back and thank God for the holy satisfaction of what is done.  From Friday last week and the final opportunity to offer the Stations of the Cross for the parish, Palm Sunday liturgies for both the evening vigil and Sunday morning, to praying with the PSR students the Stations of the Cross on Monday, to our Bible Study meeting on Tuesday, then Wednesday, offering a visit and assisting at Mass inside Rayburn Correctional, then the beginning of the high holy days. 

Our Holy Thursday liturgy was beautifully celebrated and our parish family responded with strong attendance at Adoration until midnight.  Good Friday brought the 3 PM celebration of the Passion and the evening Stations of the Cross.  For this Deacon, I spent that evening watching the youth group offer the Living Way of the Cross.  Saturday saw our catechumens and candidates in morning prayer and preparation, the Church grandly decorated and the waiting for the glorious Easter Vigil.  Our attendance Saturday night was stronger and more robust then I remember from the past.  We celebrated all the rites beautifully, baptized our catechumen, witnessed a profession of faith from our candidate and celebrate 1st Holy Communion for 5 young people.  What a grand and glorious night.

When dawn broke today, Easter Sunday, we were met with a furious rain storm.  Despite the weather, our 8 am Mass with standing room only.  It was a glorious celebration and proper worship for this Easter Sunday.  And I will return this evening for the final mass of this day, reminded that Easter remains as it is an Octave, an 8 day celebration that continues tomorrow.

What a week; what an incredible few days.  Thank you Lord for allowing me to serve your people!

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