Saturday, March 26, 2016

On Holy Saturday I am moved to reflect

I purposely arranged my Holy Saturday to spend it like I am; at least for now.  The house is mostly dark and very quiet.  I sit here in my chair with a computer and my little dog curled up in my lap.  It is Holy Saturday morning.  The Lord sleeps in his tomb as we await the Resurrection tomorrow.  Sadly, on this day when we should reflect quietly, the world just can't slow down.  Even in my home town, on this day before Easter Sunday, one of the biggest, loudest, most crowded event is taking place right now.  It's an event known as the all-town garage sale.  Literally the population of tiny Abita Springs triples with hustle and bustle and noise and making the best deal possible at any number of garage sales held at area homes, churches and businesses.  I want nothing this morning to do with all of this, because it's Holy Saturday.

Back to my quiet world this morning.  By now we have both celebrated and survived the high holy days of Holy Thursday and Good Friday.  The liturgies are rich and full of spiritual significance.  The Lord's Supper, the washing of feet, the Eucharistic procession to the Altar of Repose, Adoration to midnight and then the transition.  The Stations of the Cross, the retelling of the Passion, veneration of the Cross and then departing the church in silence. 

For this Deacon, these special holy days are indeed special.  When my brother Deacon told me Thursday night, as we were preparing to begin Mass, welcome home, I immediately got it.  This would be my first celebration of the Triduum and Easter back home, in the parish where I fell in love with Jesus, my Catholic faith and the desire to serve.  Since becoming a parishioner at St. Jane de Chantal Church in 1996, I had been away for the past 5 years while serving my assignment as Deacon at Most Holy Trinity.  Indeed, these holy days are the first for me back in Abita Springs since 2010.  They are indeed special for me and I am so thrilled to be back, and so needed, at this rapidly growing and spiritually rich parish.  I am thankful to God to be back home and being able to experience my faith and my ministry as Deacon where the call to serve as Deacon was received. 

We are such a busy parish right now.  Because our church was built in the 1920's it is not a very large church by 2016 expectations.  To accommodate the ever growing parish we hold 7 liturgies on the weekend; including a mass in the Extraordinary Form (Latin) and a Spanish Mass.  This being Easter weekend, we actually have 8 masses.  The great Easter Vigil is tonight and there is a Extraordinary Form vigil at our mission church, St. Michael's in Bush.  Then we have 6 masses tomorrow, including the Latin and Spanish and a special Easter morning Mass back at St. Michael's.  All of this after having the liturgies and devotions of Holy Thursday and Good Friday, at both St. Jane's and St. Michael's.

In addition to our liturgies, I am so pleased to be so involved in our St. Jane Adult Bible Study which we began in September.  Still going strong, some six months later, we have anywhere from 40-60 adults a week participating.  I also involved myself in our RCIA and will be very happy as we have a catechumen and candidate entering the church tonight.  Another program at St. Jane's that puts our faith in action is called Family Promise.  Working within the guidelines of this organization, our parish family hosts a homeless family for an entire week, providing comfortable rooms to stay in and meals and fellowship.  And of course, I could go on.  Suffice to say, I am just thrilled to be back here at St. Jane's & St. Michael's and very proud of how this little parish has grown, and grown; in numbers and in faith.

Now if this is my first Easter back at St. Jane's in 5 years it is also my first Easter away from Most Holy Trinity.  I have fond memories of my 5 years there and particular memories of the liturgies and celebrations of Holy Week and Easter.  All of my years there were spent celebrating and ministering in the "old" church, a converted retail shop made to be church.  Now, my MHT family is celebrating these high holy days in their beautiful, spacious brand new church.  I went back to MHT last night to witness the youth present their Living Way of the Cross.  As always it was powerful and inspirational and so beautifully presented in the new church.  I have to admit that I was touched by the welcome received last night, especially by many of the youth who were participating in the Way of the Cross.  I know that all my MHT family will be especially moved by celebrating their 1st Easter in the new church.  And I am very excited to return to this new MHT church in about a month for my daughter Elizabeth's wedding.  So thankful that MHT is making this possible for my little girl and her fiancée Mark.

Not sure what I will be doing this morning besides staying away from that garage sale in town.  I know I will review the liturgy rubrics for tonight, watch some spiritual programming on EWTN and reflect while thanking God for all He has done for me.  Like you, I should be thanking Him for the gift of His son, His sacrifice on the Cross and the glorious Resurrection.  And I specifically thank God too for my Diaconate ministries, my return to St. Jane and my precious memories of MHT. 

May your Easter be specially blessed!

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