Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Belgium Catholic Bishops condemn terrorist bombings

Belgian Bishops Condemn Deadly Terror Attacks
Call for Prayerful Solidarity, National Unity in Response to Assault
Truck of bombs in Belgium - Wikicommons
The Catholic Bishops of Belgium have condemned the deadly ISIS terror attacks on the Brussels airport and underground stations this morning that claimed at least 34 lives and injured more than 135, reported Vatican Radio.
In a statement, the Belgian bishops call for prayerful solidarity with the victims and for national unity in response to the assault. Stating they are appalled by the attacks, they pray that the country may live these days with a great sense of civic responsibility.
Brussels Airport is closed until further notice.

Below is a Vatican Radio English translation of the Bishops’ statement:

“The bishops of Belgium are appalled to learn of the attack at Zaventem airport and in the center of Brussels. They share the anguish of thousands of travelers and their families, aviation professionals and the first responders who are once again called to service. They entrust the victims to the prayers of all in this new dramatic situation. Airport chaplains are every day at the service of all and provide the necessary spiritual support. May the whole country live these days with a great sense of civic responsibility.”

[Courtesy of Vatican Radio]

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