Saturday, March 12, 2016

A special Saturday afternoon with Pope Francis: on love as service

Summary of Jubilee Audience: On Love as Service
‘Jesus also invites us to acknowledge our failings, to pray for one another and to forgive each other from the heart.’
Pope at Audience CTV
CTV Pope - General Audience
On Saturday, Pope Francis held the third of his “Jubilee audiences” — a general audience that during this Year of Mercy will be held one Saturday a month.
Here is the English-language summary of his address:
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Dear Brothers and Sisters: As we draw near to Easter in this Holy Year of Divine Mercy, we reflect today on the Lord’s gesture of washing the feet of his disciples. In this striking act of humility, Jesus tells them, and us, to do the same for one another. He gave us a clear example of his new commandment of love. As Saint John says, just as he laid down his life for us, so we ought to lay down our lives for one another (cf. 1 Jn 3:16). Jesus shows us that love is service – lowly, quiet and hidden – of our brothers and sisters, especially those in greatest need. By bending low to wash his disciples’ feet, Jesus also invites us to acknowledge our failings, to pray for one another and to forgive each other from the heart. He shows us that to be “merciful like the Father” means to follow Jesus daily along the path of humble service.

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